Saturday, July 10, 2010

From UGA to UGH...Here We Go Again

I can only conclude that the UGA players handbook is written in Mandarin Chinese. Maybe the code of conduct section is missing from the welcome packet...whatever the case may be, I find it hard to believe that we have another DUI involving someone in the Georgia football program so soon after the very public shaming of Damon Evans. I aim not to judge underage drinking or boys being boys or college kids having fun...or any of that. I just think that after the last couple of recent dismissals that the player would pay attention and actually believe that they too are subject to the rules. In fact, the rules surrounding athletes at big time programs aren't fair..but neither is all of the attention and free stuff you get for being an athlete. That's the trade off. You have to not do the dumb things average dumb kids do.

Whatever...I give up...I'm stepping down off the soap box. Go Dogs.

...arrest season is coming to a close, let's turn our focus forward now and brace for injury season.

Monday, July 5, 2010

I Was Wrong

As it turns out, the rules apply to Damon Evans and he is no longer the AD for the Dogs. This brings me no joy. I just wanted to see the rules apply to everyone. Apparently, they do...and that is a good thing. I wish him no ill will. I hope he learns and moves on...much as I wish the same for Z. Mettenberger.

Go Dogs...

...please stay in the classroom and the weight room. Stay out of the court room.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Infallible Rule Makers

I haven't yet looked at the posts of other Dog bloggers. I haven't really taken the deep dive into the Damon Evans story. Not sure I want to at this point. What we have is a DUI, a young woman with a big mouth, her underwear in Damon's lap and a confused Evans family and Bulldog administration. Given those elements, I believe any player in this situation would be immediately dismissed and shamed. Rightfully so, perhaps. I do not possess a crystal ball but I'm guessing that this will not result in dismissal for Evans nor will he stop making videos for the Jumbotron and the newsletter delivering messages of how a good citizen should conduct their life.

Anyhow...the people making the rules get a free pass. Congrats Damon. Perhaps once we hear all the details, I'll feel better about this. Hmm...I doubt it.

I'm less concerned with the fact that Damon Evans made a horrible mistake and got caught and more concerned with the fact that he is in a position to judge and shame others...yet when the rules are applied to him they somehow become more flexible.

"Mr Evans...your wife is on Line 2, your meeting with HR has been moved up to 9:30, and Zach Mettenberger and his father are here to see you..."