Sunday, November 1, 2009

It Has Started

It starts with a trickle...

Again...if he is as good as he is supposed to be, he'll be gone after a couple years anyhow. If he's not as good as advertised, then I'd rather find out now. I'm just guessing...but if Logan Gray is such a hot #2, why is he fair catching punts? Why would you have not inserted him in the mix many games ago? I would offer that the Cox debate is all but over.

My personal opinion is that you know what you have as an athlete. It can all be measured. You know the probabilities based on stats. The only thing you don't know...can't know is response to adversity. Put Murray up against adversity now. Let's see how he reacts. I feel the same about Stafford and Matt Ryan. They both played early and succeeded. Stafford's NFL success is still TBD but I love that they're testing him now. These guys either have the mental fortitude or they don't. Carrying a clipboard does not better prepare you mentally for the ass whooping you're going to take. It doesn't prepare you for getting booed.

Your character and upbringing prepare you for that. Let's see if Murray is ready.

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